
Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Redefining the Men's Rights Movement

I really think we need to redefine this 'men's rights movement', as many are calling it. It shouldn't be about 'men's rights', because men have all the rights they need. They're called human rights, and they're called the normal rights available to all people within this society.

Instead, this is about empowering men to take action on the things that are important to them in their daily lives.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Are you ashamed to be a man?

How often have you pretended to ignore the beauty of a woman because you’re afraid that you’ll be ‘caught out’? How often have you avoided telling a woman that you like something about her femininity (if she has any, that is) because you’re afraid you’ll be labelled as sexist? How often are you made to feel that it’s a crime to be a man?

Sunday, 7 April 2013

I’ve been doing it all wrong

Recently I’ve been writing about being against feminism. But there’s two problems with that. One, I’m not actually against feminism, but I am against radical feminism. Two, I really need to be FOR something rather than AGAINST something. So that changes now.